
6-2 Blog: Marketing Perspective

I’d be lying if I said that I didn’t follow any influencers. I think now, more than ever, people are starting to become “influencers” and it’s something that’s been growing within the past year, although it’s been happening for years now. I follow a ton of fashion bloggers like Jean Wang of Extra Petite and Wendy from Wendy’s Lookbook. I also follow a lot of beauty youtubers. When my favorite fashion bloggers promote a product they like, I do my research by reading reviews and then, I make a purchase. I feel more at ease when an influencer promotes a product than when a celebrity promotes it. It feels more real and genuine when an influencer does it. With influencers, I noticed that brands and companies are reaching out to influencers more than celebrities. I personally would buy an item from an influencer than a celebrity because celebrities are well-known public figures. They can make tons of money off of anything whereas, if an influencer were to promote an item, their opinion

4-2 Blog: Effectively Impacting the Consumer Through Digital Media

            For "The Tale of the Tiger: Customer Service," what was done successfully to meet the wants and needs of the target audience was the title itself. The article was titled, “Tale of Tiger’s Big Adventure Highlights Airport’s Commitment to Customer Service.” The title alone shows that they are committed to customer service, which is one of the most important things of any company. Customers who read the title will get curious as to how this company was exceptional in customer service. They will read the article to see what the company did and afterwards, they will feel more comfortable going to Tampa's Airport. Also, what was done to meet the wants and needs of the target audience was that this article explained how one employee went above and beyond for a little boy. This shows that the employees of this company care a lot about their customers and want to make sure everyone is happy. This act of kindness proves that this company is committed to customer servic

Branding: A Day in the Life

            In my every day life, I use digital media on a daily basis. Every day, I’m always on I have my own blog that I work on and put 100% of my time in. It’s self-hosted on instead of I’m on it every day writing new blog posts, responding to comments, and updating my site. is pretty much a self-hosted blog where you own your content entirely. You can edit the theme of your page to make it how you want it to look like. I have a fashion blog that’s growing every month and I’ve been making some steady income from it. I’m on my site every day, multiple times a day. Aside from my blog, I am always on Instagram and Facebook. Because I have a blog, I have to self-promote myself all the time. I have a Facebook page specifically for my blog where I let users who liked my page know that I have a new blog post up. I use Instagram as an extension of my blog where I’ll post a photo that has to do with my new blog post and let my follow